Winter 4 Summary

Welcome back to Wildwood Heights!

No new families were added, just new houses split off from older houses as kids grew up. Played the apocalypse lot for one season too many, oops.

We had a total of 3 fires this round bringing the total fires to 24. There were 26 births this rotation. There were 2 burglaries this round. Total burglaries is now at 13. No electrocutions this round. Total electrocutions is at 5.

Taxes/Money Available for University and Community Lots

  • $1,041,070 was the budget at the start of the round
  • $10,539 went out in refunds
  • $379,705 was brought in from taxes
  • $1,000,000 went out towards University
  • Budget at the end of the round: $410,236

SM & Population & CAS Sims Available & Community Lots

  • Total Playable Sims is 233
  • SM is 26
  • Population is 6,058
  • CAS Sims: 20 of 43 used
  • Community Lots: 8 of 9 used

Goals for the Next Round

Nothing specific except unlock more stuff and make more progress in the individual challenge houses.

I have gotten a Military base district ide and I’m in the process of setting that up. Contemplating having Marcelo Silva move into the General’s house after the next round since Ellsworth will need someone to hold the house down for him to move back into.

Interesting Pictures

Typical evening at the Hardy 1 residence currently. If you count the toddler blankets, there are 6 toddlers running around as the number of blankets does equal the number of toddlers on the lot. One toddler is learning to talk in a bathroom. One toddler is learning to walk in the nursery. One toddler is learning to walk in the main family area. The others are playing with bunny rabbit heads to rise charisma or drinking a bottle (or complaining that he can’t play a rabbit head).

Isabelle Silva started and topped a bowling alley business this round. As you can see, heavy usage of the energizer was used. This marks business number 3 of 5. She still has her sofa store to get to Rank 10 and I am going to make an attempt to get the gym I started up for Wyatt’s LTW up to Rank 10, but I may abandon it with regards to Isabelle’s LTW for an easier one for me.

Marcelo Silva was allowed to get abducted because he wanted significantly more kids than his wife did. Then went and had 2 more kids through risky woohoo. Not picture here is the other risky woohoo kid.

The two kids playing cops and robbers are Felix and Juliette Layton who came home with the alien triplets. Caryl Dawn came home with Marcelo.

Shy Sims are just so adorable when flirting.

This is Mercantile Market. It sells bathroom supplies. It’s Constance’s 2nd out of 5 businesses to hit rank 10. Just 3 more to go. Unsure of what to make those businesses. May have them have a store that sells the crafted flowers plus other plants for another Green store to open a 3rd spot in the Natural Science career. Since Stella is working on the Flower badges for her 2 badges outside of the Sales, Cashier, and Restocking badges for her LTW.

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