Summer 2 Summary

Welcome back to Wildwood Heights!

We had two new households added to the rotation, Qiu Pangalan fully entered the adult world and I did go and add the Tinker family from Bluewater Village to the rotation.

We had a total of 2 fires this round, both by Melody Tinker, bringing the total fires to 8. There were 8 births this rotation. I experienced my first ever risky woohoo instance and then had a couple more.

I added another club to the neighborhood and an art museum. Given my goal to have my main Simming goals completed before I have to switch to a new OS, going to focus on getting things unlocked. May in future rounds have my more wealthy Sims donate a large portion of their funds for the public university to speed things along.

Taxes/Money Available for University and Community Lots

  • $508,231 was the budget at the start of the round
  • $310,500 went out for the 2 community lots
  • $3,545 went out in refunds
  • $128,487 was brought in from taxes
  • Budget at the end of the round: $335,089

SM & Population & CAS Sims Available & Community Lots

  • Total Playable Sims is 100
  • SM is 9
  • Population is 900
  • CAS Sims: 13 of 15 used
  • Community Lots: 5 of 5 used

Goals for the Next Round

Nothing specific except unlock more stuff and make more progress in the individual challenge houses.

Interesting Pictures

Thad Silva and Roxann Briggs have struck up a relationship. No plans by me to get them married. I am following their wants for their relationship so they’ll get married if they roll wants for it.

Verner Allen is the Sim I mentioned previously with regards to possibly bringing in Melody Tinker’s family for. Given the abundance of Allens, Verner will take Melody’s name and most likely move in with Melody and her parents. Unless Stephen and Wanda Tinker manage to get pregnant in the last few remaining days that Wanda can get pregnant in.

And the final interesting thing that happened was that Conley Easter turned himself into a Plantsim.