Challenges Within the BACC

The BACC lends itself to being used as a neighborhood for many other challenges. When Business Districts are earned it opens up challenges that require specific requirements for the lot and weather like the Apocalypse challenge and other similar challenges. And it lets perpetual challenge starters like myself start many challenges and keep progress going in all of them.

On this page, I’ll be mentioning all of the challenges that I’ll be doing within this BACC.

The Name Game Challenge

The Legacy Challenge

The Alphabet Legacy Challenge

Rules can be found here.

The house that will be used for this Alphabet Legacy Challenge is Tortall 1.

No handicaps for this one and this will not be starting with the founder. In an attempt to make progress on my Tortall Alphabet legacy, I am moving my generation T heir, his spouse, and their three kids to the BACC neighborhood. I’m using rule of fun to say that I can go into the hole on available CAS sims to do this. Since I play with Triplets & Quads, the rule for requiring twins every 8 generations is changed to requiring either triplets or quads starting with when I got the mod due to the chances of twins being much higher than in an unmodded game. Due to the various times I’ve had to rebuild the legacy due to corruption or this move, the downgrading will be considered having been done.

The story for this will be posted to my Tortall Legacy Blog.

Farm the Land Challenge

Differences in the Family Tree Challenge

Rules can be found here. Will be abbreviated as DITFT whenever referenced.

The house that will be used for this DITFT is Layton 1.

Unlike the Sims 3 attempt I am doing, I will be going in order of the generations and will not be doing the optional generation.

This challenge is not published, you’ll see glimpses of the progress through the Rotation Summaries that get posted.

The Evolution and Progress In Change Challenge