Fall 1, Montes 1

Welcome to the Montes family! Comprised of elder Karl, adults Andrew and Sharron, and child Stephen.

Karl is a Fortune/Pleasure Sim who has a lifetime wish to own 5 top level businesses. He does have a degree however and it is in Political Science. He’s also a vampire. His personality is 4/6/8/3/4.

Andrew is a Fortune/Popularity Sim who has a lifetime wish to earn $100,000. He has a degree in Psychology. He’s a vampire werewolf as well. His personality is 5/8/6/3/3.

Sharron is a Pleasure/Popularity Sim who has a lifetime wish to be a Business Tycoon. She’s got a degree in Economics and is a vampire. Her personality is 5/3/7/3/7.

Stephen is vampire werewolf like his father. His personality is 65/8/3/3.

Here is their house towards the end of the week. Karl, Andrew, and Sharron spend the daytime hours stuck in their coffins so I just have Stephen to deal with during the day. Though that will change when Stephen hits teen years.

The Montes do their socializing at night. Andrew is the werewolf sitting closer to Sharron. The other werewolf is fellow neighbor Thad Silva (a playable in a house I haven’t gotten to blogging yet).

Sharron really did get lucky one night and dug up three treasure chests without hitting a pipe between them.

Stephen would bring home friends from school. On this day he brought home Elijah Hardy.

With the $15K plus whatever else they got from digging for treasure, they opened up The Green Store. It sells plants. It also opens a position in the Natural Science career, which I needed a position open for Thad Silva. Him topping it will be useful for other Sims who wish to top Oceanography like Violeta Silva since topping Natural Science will unlock Oceanography.

Here is Andrew selling things to Uuosae Tortall.

Sharron helping out Neville who was lost looking for an item. Seriously, ALWAYS help them when you see them do that. Helping them guarantees you a star if you haven’t maxed out the stars you can get from them. Not helping them will usually cost you a star.

If you see someone that doesn’t look like a townie you’ve seen or a playable come in, they are probably a reviewer. If they take out a pad and start writing while there, then they are a reviewer and you should always do what you can to make sure you are attentive to them.

Because they can either give you a good review or a bad one. Good reviews will increase traffic to your business and I’d imagine a bad one would lower traffic. The Montes received a good review.

You can run a small shop with just 2 Sims. If I didn’t have 3 Sims, I probably wouldn’t have a dedicated cashier and would have whomever was free check people out.

Here’s the layout of the store. You can see plenty of space by the register. I don’t like hiring employees since they cut into profits and if you don’t catch the moment they gain a badge can quit on you for not paying them accordingly even though you only gave the player a couple of Sim minutes to register the fact that they needed a pay raise. Since I only have a few Sims to run the place, I keep the store small in size.

Two tips in this picture. If you try to sell to someone and get a minus star, just ignore them for the rest of their visit unless they do the “lost” interaction. And if you get a Sim that would rather socialize with other shoppers or the “employees”, then just send them away when they come on the lot. Aeryn Tortall was one Sim that I ended up having to send away if he showed up as he wouldn’t buy anything.

Keep employees out of the shopping area if they aren’t doing anything productive. And keep them from socializing with the shoppers as much as possible if you are a business who makes money by selling items. You do get stars from the socializing, but you don’t get money for it.

If the shoppers start socializing with themselves on a non-venue shop like this one, try to get them interested in buying something or send one of them off the lot. You won’t be able to send them off the lot if they’ve picked up an item for purchase, though.

While the reviewer was back, he didn’t give a good or bad review this time.

Another tip. If you get a lot of out of stock items, close the shop and restock and then open back up.

All you need to do is the Basic Sale. Don’t bother with Offer Cheap or Hard Sell. And when dazzling, only do it on items you’ve specially marked as more expensive in order to make the dazzle worth it as you can only dazzle so many times. There’s nothing in this shop worth making Sims dazzle over.

The current set up I have here is for Andrew to run register, Karl and Sharron handle sales and restocking. I’ve ended up putting Karl on Restock duty as Karl and Sharron kept trying to socialize together too much.

Don’t forget to watch your employees’ motives. And deal with them as appropriate. I would definitely need a food source somewhere if they weren’t vampires. As it is, they just have a toilet as sometimes when they come over they have a low bladder. If you have a dedicated cashier they will need relieving to fill their social bar.

When they weren’t at the shops, they did spend time with Stephen.

And Stephen is still bringing fellow kids home from school. On this day he brought home Loren Hardy.

And here we are with a townie giving the business the final star to push it to Rank 10.

And that’s all that happened this season!

End of Season Stats:

The Green Store – Rank 10 – Owner: Karl Montes

Education: 0/1 – Tempie Everett
Gamer: 0/1 – Roxann Briggs
Law: 0/3 – Bennett Foley, Faye Hardy, Rhett Allen
Athletic: Unlocked
Business: 1/1
Natural Science: 1/1

Total Net Worth: $171,172
Taxes: $22,176 (They can totally afford this, this is about 20% of their cash on hand).

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