Winter 1, Pangalan 1

Welcome back to the Pangalan Family, home of the Name Game Challenge. When we last left the Pangalans, Quy had married Ivy and Ivy was pregnant.

Ivy working on her Creativity and painting of her masterpiece while on maternity leave. 

Quy works on her friendships. She’s talking with Sam Foley here, I believe.

I’ve got a hack that makes it so that when the 4 pm calls to remind you about friends happen, they actually talk with you instead of being a reminder to call them.

A day or so later and right after Quy heads off to work, Ivy goes into labor.

And gives birth to a baby boy named Qiu. Hopefully he won’t be heir as I want the points for the matriarchy, but I can’t control genders and they are limited to three pregnancies.

Qiu has Quy’s eyes and hair and since Ivy is Skin 4 and Quy is Skin 2, Skin 3 is possible and that is what Qiu appears to have.

Ivy takes to motherhood very well.

Kennedy Cox comes over unannounced and is over when Ivy paints her masterpiece.

She then rolls the want to quit her job. It’s like she knows my plans. So I check the computer to see if Art is available. It is. So I have her quit her job and then turn around and get a job in Art.

Quy also helps out. And this is the first time I’ve had a changing table in ages. Can’t remember why I stopped using it. It prevents the diaper messes when you use it.

The pair manage to slip off and try for a baby, however they are not successful. Which is odd given they are so young.

Qiu ages up that night and needs an immediate potty training since his bladder is low but his other motives are high. Perfect potty training conditions.

Here is Qiu a little closer. He’s adorable and I think a mix of his parents, but it’s hard to tell at toddler stage.

His personality is 10/10/9/3/1. He’s a neat, outgoing, active, slightly serious, mean Sim. Luckily, I don’t have any sloppy Sims yet. neat mean Sims get furious if the clean up a messy Sim’s mess.

The pair try again and this time they are successful. And like the last pregnancy, Ivy is the one pregnant.

Ivy then takes some time on her day off to teach Qiu to walk.

And that’s it for the season!

End of Season Stats:

Green Store – Rank 10 – Owner: Karl Montes
Art Store – Rank 10 – Owner: Karl Montes

Education: 0/2 – Tempie Everett, Quy Pangalan
Gamer: 0/1 – Roxann Briggs
Law: 0/3 – Bennett Foley, Faye Hardy, Rhett Allen
Athletic: Unlocked – Aeryn Tortall, Neville Allen
Business: 0/1 – Sharron Montes
Natural Science: 0/1 – Thad Silva
Entertainment: 1/1
Slacker – 0/1 – Tkaa Tortall
Artist – 1/3 – Sam Foley, Ivy Pangalan

Total Net Worth: $61,490
Taxes: $3,649

Name Game Challenge Points – Added this round

Now that we’ve got the first points from a kid, I’m going to start keeping track of Name Game Challenge Points

  • Alphabet: +10
    • Q babies: Qiu
  • Top of My Career Points: +5
    • Ivy Pangalan, spouse – Entertainment
  • The Simself: +15
    • Quy is my Simself
  • Still in the running for Matriarchy and Short Name Challenge.

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