Summer 1, Group 3

Welcome back to Wildwood Heights! If you’ve noticed the title format change, I have changed up how I’m posting my BACC. Sometimes in a period of 5 days, nothing really interesting happens in the scheme of the BACC. This is a challenge about the neighborhood, not individual families.

So at the beginning of each rotation, I will be dividing the neighborhood into smaller chunks. Currently that’s 3 households. The final group will be a bit larger as it will have the University round, the University Candidates post, and the end of rotation summary.

For this round, Group 3 has the following houses: Silva 1, Pangalan 1, and Tortall 1.

At the Silva residence, Josiah is back and has made his moves on Dagmar Bertino.

That night a burglar made the bad mistake of trying to rob them. Werewolves passively get their Body skill maxed so they’re very likely to win fights.

Josiah eventually proposed and got married to Dagmar.

They are loving the bathroom for life events. Dagmar got pregnant and has given birth to twins Tucker and Kimberly. Both are werewolves.

This was the end of the rotation at the Silva residence.

I also played the Pangalan household. But it appears I didn’t take any pictures. Uwe aged to child and had learned all of his skills. Yvo aged to toddler as well. Nothing else of importance happened here.

They aged up to have the same underwear.

They wasted no time in trying for a baby.

Even beat the getting married part. Had them do it now instead of waiting for a want to roll as Kaia was the one who got pregnant and I want the kid she has to have the Tortall last name.

And this is where I claim I hate ACR and same sex pregnancy mods.

Because they went and tried for another baby. So both Uuosae and Kaia are pregnant.

Two things of importance here in this picture.

First is that Aeryn has come home wit a promotion to Hall of Famer. He’s now completed his lifetime wish.

The second is that the townie in the background is doing the reaction to labor.

Because at that same moment that Aeryn was coming home, Kaia was giving birth to a boy named Volorin.

Volorin is named after Sergeant Volorin. He was member of the King’s Own and was part of the Third Company which was the Company that Squire Keladry was with when she was squired by Lord Sir Raoul.

Later that evening, Uuosae gave birth to Volney.

Volney is named after Volney Rain. He is an artist of the Tortallan Court.

And that’s all that happened at all three houses!

Instead of doing updates here, the updates will now just happen at the end of the summary page.

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